October '00
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Schedule of Events

bullet10/1 - No update yesterday.  Virginia was so happy to get a night home that she forgot.  Well, there was that little matter of company in town to go and see Randi in her school play, "Into the Woods."  My Dad and sister, my aunt Ruby and Virginia's sister Kathy and her husband were in town to see the play.  Jeri's still hoping to see it on Monday when they have the last performance.  Now for the report for today.  The new roadmap #3 has been added to the list.  The drugs are Etoposide and Ifosfamide.  Thought I better get them listed for those of you that are interested in such things.  Jeri woke up this morning ready to begin negotiating an early release.  We had been told that she had to hydrate for 24 hours after the last dose of chemo.  She had it at about 6:30pm on Saturday evening.  She managed to negotiate for 5pm if she would promise to drink plenty of water when she got home.  Waiting was tough.  We took the wheelchair and IV tower and went for a walk.  Then Jeri had to sit through a Dallas Cowboy game on TV.  She made me take her back out for a walk at halftime.  About 10 minutes until 5pm she called to see if the release was in progress.  It was.  We left right on time and got home around 6pm.  She was so happy.  She has been drinking water as she had promised.  She also ate most of a rack of BBQ ribs for supper.  Guess that's proof she's glad to be home.
bullet10/2 - Jeri is just so glad to be home and we are all so glad for her.  She decided this morning that some fresh air was in order and Charlie, Brit's dad, wheeled her over to the tennis courts where she watched my league match.  I lost but she just enjoyed being out.  It really tired her out though.  We went to see Randi's play tonight and Jeri could only make it through the first act.  The combination of post-chemo fatigue and queasiness was just too much for her.  She has decided that the stairs are just too big an obstacle tonight so she will be sleeping downstairs with me since Brit is in Bartlesville this week.  Tomorrow she will begin her schooling and physical therapy again.  That may be all that she is able to handle!
bullet10/3 - Well, Jeri made it through her schooling this morning but there wasn't much energy left for physical therapy.  She is extremely fatigued and says that it feels like her bones hurt.  The first week after chemo is always difficult and this week is proving to be no exception.
bullet10/4 - Jeri was glad that nothing was scheduled for today...no school or PT or anything else.  She just took life easy and then worked on homework (after being reminded...once a teenager...).  Tomorrow she has school so she has to be ready.
bullet10/5 - Jeri did well at school this morning.  She continues to progress when she's up to the task.  Now that she's in between treatments, there should be more time.  The physical therapy took a bit of a backseat while Jeri was in the hospital.  She has some catching up to do.  It's just not the same to exercise while in bed.  She's working at it though.  I'll be a better drill sergeant now.  I had thought she was still restricted on the weight she could put on her leg.  I must have missed when Dr. Johnson said that she could bear weight as she was able.  Now that I'm back in Houston, I can "help" her along.  She's really looking forward to that.
bullet10/6 - Jeri slept in her own bed last night for the first time since coming home from the hospital.  Today was a school holiday (as is Monday) so Randi took Jeri to the mall early this morning.  School holidays don't mean much to Jeri today.  She's been working on her schoolwork off and on during the day.  She had physical therapy this afternoon and is working on straightening her leg and walking.  She's almost got her leg back as straight as it was when she went into the hospital.  The walking is coming along slowly.  She's using a walker but doesn't have enough stamina to do very much.  We'll be working on that.  The door to the microwave was stuck so Jeri and Virginia thought that would be a good reason to go out to eat.  Jeri's about to run out of time before her blood counts are too low to go out.  We went to Los Cuco's.  It's a local restaurant just north of our house.  I couldn't find a web link so I'll give the review.  It's Tex-Mex, noisy, too long a wait, inexpensive, not enough parking and good enough food that people pack the place almost every night.
bullet10/7 - Today was pretty quiet.  The cold front came through so it's finally feeling like fall.  Jeri celebrated by sleeping in.  She went up and down the stairs 3 or 4 times today so she's obviously starting to feel stronger.
bullet10/8 - It was a cool and wet day.  Just right for staying inside the house, which is what Jeri was going to do anyway since her blood counts are falling.  She spent time studying, doing a bit of physical therapy and watching a movie with one of her friends.  If that sounds like she was looking for a way to avoid football and baseball playoffs on TV, it's because she was.
bullet10/9 - More of the same today.  Studying and physical therapy.  Jeri goes to the clinic tomorrow to check on the blood counts.
bullet10/10 - Jeri had her usual day at the clinic today.....start early and stay late.  She went in for blood counts and was hoping to leave early.  It didn't work out that way.  Her platelets were low and required replenishment.  That just takes time.  However, Virginia and Jeri are seasoned veterans at this sort of thing.  They knew that it would take a while to get the platelets delivered.  There was only one thing to do.  Go to lunch.  They decided to try McCormick & Schmick's for a bit of upscale seafood.  They said it was excellent.  Here are the counts:

Category (see link for definitions)

Normal Adequate / Acceptable Jeri
Hemoglobin 12 8 7.4
Platelets 250,000 100,000 21,000
White Cells 4, 000 - 10,000 4,000 7,000
ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count) 1,500-5,000 1,000 8,100
bullet10/11 - This was another busy day for Jeri.  She had physical therapy this morning and school at home this afternoon.  She has some catching up to do after the few weeks in the hospital.  Both went well.  Since Brit is in Bartlesville overnight, it is Virg's job to remind Jeri to get up and practice her walking every little while (I say remind...Jeri says nag.)  Jeri feels better each day.
bullet10/12 - We never did receive the blood counts today.  The samples were taken by the home health care service.  Some of them must be down because Jeri's been fatigued most of the day.  She did her best to work on walking several times and do some schoolwork  Home health care took blood & we should receive the counts in the morning.  That way we'll know if Jeri needs more platelets, whole blood or needs to continue the G-CSF shots.  Oh yeah, somehow she figured a way to come up with some new shoes.  I guess that retail therapy is sometimes needed to jumpstart the other kinds of therapy.
bullet10/13 - No counts today.  Virginia called the clinic this morning to check on the counts.  We received some numbers but they sounded a bit strange.  Later in the day, I received a call from someone at the clinic telling me that the blood sample spoiled before it made it to the lab and that a new sample would be drawn.  I mentioned that we had received count information in the morning that sounded strange.  The caller said that she would check the records and visit with the on call doctor.  Meanwhile, the home health care people had been called and I would soon learn, were on their way.  Virginia and Jeri were at physical therapy during this time.  Luckily, they made it home before 5pm.  Virg was able to contact someone at the clinic and follow-up on the story.  It turns out that the counts we received this morning were taken a week ago but just entered into the TCH computer today.  The home health care person arrived a couple of hours later and took new blood samples.  We'll try again in the morning.  Virginia was a bit disappointed since she had tried to arrange today around Jeri possibly needing a transfusion of some type.  Oh well, we'll adapt and adjust as usual.  Kudos' go to the person at the clinic, who's name I can't remember, that followed up on yesterday's blood test and found out that it needed to be done again.  She kept us from getting bad information.  We'll be particularly grateful if Jeri needs a transfusion of some type.  Late addition - No trip for a transfusion tomorrow.  Here are the counts:

Category (see link for definitions)

Normal Adequate / Acceptable Jeri
Hemoglobin 12 8 7.1
Platelets 250,000 100,000 64,000
White Cells 4, 000 - 10,000 4,000 1,800
ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count) 1,500-5,000 1,000 Not given
bullet10/14 - Today started badly for Jeri and it hasn't gotten much better.  She didn't sleep well last night.  She was exhausted by the time she made it down the stairs this morning.  Energy has been lacking all day.  Perhaps she should have received platelets or whole blood yesterday.  She'll probably go to bed early tonight. Maybe she will sleep better and feel better tomorrow.
bullet10/15 - Jeri felt better than yesterday but still a long way from good.  She managed to get some school work done but not any physical therapy.  I'm anxiously awaiting tomorrow's CT-scan.  Jeri hasn't said much nor has Virg.  It will probably be late in the evening before we get the results so it's no point in anyone calling ahead of time.  I'll post the information as soon as we find out.  It could be Tuesday before we get the results.
bullet10/16 - Jeri and Virg went to the clinic around noon.  They had to do lunch at a new place before they could go to the medical center.  They went to Epicure French Bakery and Tea Room.  (They gave it "thumbs up" except for the black currant tea.)  Then it was on to the clinic for the blood test and CT-scan.  The blood test was first.  Jeri's counts are improving a bit but she still needed whole blood.  The  CT-scan was the big event of the day.  We are awaiting the results to find out if Jeri's last chemo treatment was effective.  We didn't hear this evening so we are hoping to hear something tomorrow.  Next it was on to the infusion room at the clinic where Jeri received 2 units of whole blood.  Hopefully, that will help her to feel better than she did this past weekend.  Here are today's counts:

Category (see link for definitions)

Normal Adequate / Acceptable Jeri
Hemoglobin 12 8 6.9
Platelets 250,000 100,000 41,000
White Cells 4, 000 - 10,000 4,000 6,900
ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count) 1,500-5,000 1,000 5,500
bullet10/17 - No word on Monday's CT-scan as of this evening.  Guess we'll wait another day and look forward to news tomorrow.  Jeri had a good day today.  She's been feeling much better since receiving the blood transfusion on Monday.  She had a strong session in physical therapy.  She's spent time preparing for school tomorrow.  Randi and Jeri went out this evening (white counts are good) to get some frozen custard and do a bit of light shopping.
bullet10/18 - Still no news on the CT-scanDr. Murali is back in town so we'll be hearing soon.  He needs a chance to look at the results and consult with others.  We'll hear from him tomorrow or I'll camp out at his front door..............  Jeri had school today.  Sounds like the Biology and Geometry went well.  Tomorrow brings Geography and English.  Jeri said she's feeling better than she has in quite a while.  Hooray to that.  Didn't get a chance to see the show but I've had a chance to check out the web site for the PBS show called Critical Condition.  Interesting stuff.  Wish I had seen the show.  It's about the state of healthcare in our country.  Some of the narrative sounds familiar.  Other parts make me glad that we have a good insurance plan and excellent healthcare providers.  The show title is linked for anyone that is interested.
bullet10/19 - Dr. Murali came through this morning.  He called to say that the preliminary report from last Monday's CT-scan showed improvement.  He was cautiously optimistic and went on to say that he and one of his colleagues would review the results with the radiologist.  That was good news.  We hope that his review reveals that the news is, in fact, positive.  Meanwhile, Jeri's counts are improving.  She gets to discontinue the G-CSF shots which is a relief to both Jeri and her mother.  Here are the counts:

Category (see link for definitions)

Normal Adequate / Acceptable Jeri
Hemoglobin 12 8 10.2
Platelets 250,000 100,000 37,000
White Cells 4, 000 - 10,000 4,000 14,400
ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count) 1,500-5,000 1,000 12,800
bullet10/20 - Jeri managed to convince her mother to try Mongolian food today.  She said it was successful.  Nothing like variety.  Something tells me that Jeri stayed away from the hot stuff.  They had their fingernails done after lunch.  That's been a rarity for Jeri.  She doesn't have nail polish when in the hospital.  The nurses sometimes press her fingernails to check her blood flow. After all that, it was physical therapy.  Jeri has now increased her repetitions to pre-surgery levels.  That's progress for which she should be proud.  Now it's on to pre-diagnosis levels.  I missed the highlight of the day.  Dr. Murali called before I got home from work but after Virginia left for a tennis tournament.  Randi was doing homework so Jeri took the call.  Dr. Murali confirmed that the CT-scan definitely showed improvement.  More details are available in the "I Need a Stiff Drink" section.
bullet10/21 - Today was a quiet day...lots of tv watching and taking it easy for Jeri.  We went out to Willie's Icehouse for an early supper in order to get back to the house in time for game 1 of the World Series.  Jeri declined to watch the game and headed upstairs for a rousing match of Mario tennis with Randi and her boyfriend, Chris.  It sounded like some spirited competition complete with screams and groans.
bullet10/22 - Sunday was a quiet day at the Parker house.  Jeri was up and down the stairs more than once.  She's spending quiet time this evening with schoolwork.  
bullet10/23 - If Dr. Murali has his way and the blood counts cooperate, this will be Jeri's last day of freedom this week.  Virg and Jeri head to the clinic tomorrow for blood labs and an exam.  If the counts are high enough, Jeri will be admitted for her next chemo.  Jeri was supposed to have school lessons today but her teacher was ill. Instead, Virg and Jeri went to the movies to see Bedazzled.  It was cute.
bullet10/24 - Well, the blood counts were very good today and Jeri got the ok for admission for her next chemo.  Since a room was not yet available, Virg and Jeri went to lunch (fajitas at Lupe Tortilla's....mmmmm).  After lunch, since the hospital hadn't called yet, we decided to just go back home and wait for the call.  We are trying to save some of our retail therapy for Christmas.  It is now 5:30 and the hospital still hasn't called.  It could be a late night.  (Editor's note:  they called & Jeri was admitted.)
bullet10/25 - Jeri started her chemo this morning.  In between the infusion of the two different chemo's, Jeri and Mom were allowed to leave the room room and go out to lunch.  Since Jeri was still hooked up to the IV fluids, mom pushed Jeri in the wheelchair and Jeri pushed the tower holding all the fluids.  They went two blocks down the street from the hospital to the Rotary House.  Jeri enjoyed being out of the room and in the sunshine.  She snoozed for the rest of the day.
bullet10/26 - The adventure of the day was changing rooms at TCH.  Jeri was in a room with the advanced monitoring equipment which she really didn't need but another patient did.  Virginia and Jeri moved to another room without the equipment.  They said the view wasn't any better.  It's quite an exercise.  We're such veterans now that there are lot's of things we have learned to take, such as a cordless telephone, remote control for the TV (in case they've lost theirs), pillows, Jeri's blanket, and on and on.  Might as well be as comfortable as possible.  Jeri continued with the Etoposide (VP16) and Ifosfamide as per the current roadmap.  She was able to eat again today.  These drugs don't cause as severe nausea as the previous ones.
bullet10/27 - Today, Jeri continued with day 3 of her chemo.  I (Virg) left the hospital at 8 this morning to play tennis.  Charlie (Brit's dad) took over.  Brit took over at noon after he finished a meeting at work.  Meanwhile, Jeri sweet talked her grandpa into getting her some of the political teenie beanies from the McDonalds downstairs at the hospital.  Then, she sweet talked her dad into bringing some Pappasito's nachos to the hospital with him.  She ate them all.  We are just glad that she still has an appetite.  Brit is spending the night tonight.  I am sure they are already negotiating which college games he will be able to watch on the TV in the room tomorrow.  Jeri and Brit are two tough negotiators and I am glad to be out of that particular debate.
bullet10/28 - The doctors said that Jeri could leave today once the last treatment was complete.  Jeri had understood that the last cycle of Ifosfamide was scheduled for noon and would be followed by 6 hours of hydration.  Then she could go.  It almost went that way, but not quite.  First, let me say that Jeri agreed that we needed to watch the Oklahoma vs. Nebraska football game.  How often do 1 and 2 in the BCS poll play, except for the championship game.  But I digress.........it turned out to be the last cycle of Ifosfamide followed by 3 cycles of Mesna.  Each cycle of Mesna was 3 hours apart, beginning 3 hours after the Ifosfamide.  That's 9-10 hours, not 6.  Anyway, Jeri didn't get started on the chemo due to a small problem with her central line.  It wouldn't draw blood so the TPN had to come and do a bit of work.  The chemo started around 1-1:30pm.  Everything went pretty routine after that.  We were able to leave the hospital around 11:40 and were home by 12:30am.  (Our clocks hadn't been moved yet.)
bullet10/29 - Jeri was glad to be home and we were glad to have her home.  Last night was a late one but it ended at home.  Jeri felt strong enough to go upstairs and sleep in her own bed.  She ate well at breakfast this morning.  She also ate well this evening.  I've been nagging her to drink enough fluids.  That was part of the deal for letting her come home early.  She has to keep up the fluids to clear the Ifosfamide and Mesna out of her system.  She's managed to drink but not without a bit of reminding.
bullet10/30 - The witching hour was a day early for Jeri.  The chicken noodle soup we had for last night's dinner didn't agree with her.  She woke up in the middle of the night with nausea and diarrhea.  That's a deadly combination in the middle of the night!  She had fought off the nausea so well in the hospital.  I guess it just can't be called chemotherapy without a bout of nausea.  She's sworn off poultry until her blood counts are strong again.  It's not the first time that chicken products have given her trouble right after chemo.  Other than that, the day has gone reasonably well.  She had a slight fever this morning but that served as an incentive to drink plenty of fluids.  It came right down once she drank plenty of water.  The only other issue is that she tires easily which is also normal right after chemo.
bullet10/31 - That post chemo weakness has definitely set in.  Most everything was a struggle for Jeri today.  Nevertheless, she had school and physical therapy.  She did her best but tired easily.  Jeri was hoping to dress up and help give out candy this evening but she was just too tired.  Randi covered for both of them.


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Brit:    brit@stickyshoe.com

Virg:    virg@stickyshoe.com

This page last updated:  August 10, 2001